Contact us

Contact us

By telephone or email we will be able to give you all the right information for your holiday in Val d’Ayas

At your service for any information

Contact us by phone 0125.307194342.5748943
or by email

You can also come and visit us at our 2 operational offices where you can find people at your complete disposal to give you useful advice for your holiday.

Champoluc: at the departure of the cable car to the Crest open every day fron 8.45am to 12am and from 3pm to

Crest: is located at the arrival point of the first cable car, right in front of the Baby Snow Park and is open from 8.54am to 4pm without interruptions.

Do you want to book a skiing lesson?

Discover all the possibilities made available by the Champoluc Ski School.
From private lessons to breathtaking tours in fresh snow.