The Ski School
Since 1962 by your side to give you the best advice while sliding on the snow.
Since 1962 on skis
Founded in 1962 by four alpine ski instructors who formed its first nucleus: Pietro Chasseur, Ivan Commod, Oliviero Frachey, Mario Roux, today we can count on 50+ instructors specialized in all disciplines.
Alpine Skiing – Snowboard – Cross Country Skiing – Telemark – Freeride
You can find us at our main office in Champoluc at the departure of the cable car and at the Crest at the arrival of the cable car right in front of the Baby Snow Park.
For more information you can contact us by phone at 0125.307194 – 342.5748943 or by email
Perché sciare con un maestro?
The reason why many people decide to rely on a teacher to improve their technique or to be accompanied to the discovery of the district lies in the experience and the ability to give advice about this. Many do not know that in order to become a ski instructor must play a tough training course lasting 90 days plus 90 hours of lectures . The figure to be born will then be able to dispense advice and recommend the best type of attitude in every situation of danger or not.
In addition, teachers are required to mandatorily carry out an update every three years so as to remain always in step with the times both as regards the technical safety standards.
The technique taught is finally assured by the fact that all teachers follow the same manual of Italian skiing that is overwritten every 2 years according to new trends and technical revolutions . The teacher becomes the key figure of the ski area.
A person technically and psychologically prepared to cope with any eventuality. A point of reference for all skiers who need technical advice or environmental conditions.
Ski School Champoluc will be on slopes with Safe Ski Project – Vallée d’Aoste!
This is an experimental project wanted to Masters, Coaches and parents together. The goal is to help spread a culture more respectful and aware, on the track and off the track, for the good of all skiers, the mountains and skiing.
Want more information?
Mail us at:

WARNING: Before venturing off-piste without a guide, consult the snow and ask advice from a master.
- Respect for others: Every skier must behave so as not to endanger other persons or cause damage.
- Control of speed and behavior: Every skier must hold a speed and behavior appropriate to their ability and to the weather conditions and the track.
- Choice of direction: The skier must keep upstream direction that avoids the danger of collision with downhill skiers.
- Overtaking: Overtaking can be done both upstream than downstream, on the right or the left, but always at a distance such that the evolution of the other skiers.
- Crossing and intersection: A skier on a track that you enter or cross a land exercise must ensure, through visual inspection upstream and downstream, can do so without danger by giving precedence to the right.
- Layover: The skier must avoid stopping on the slopes and especially in narrow places or where visibility.
- Ascent: It is forbidden to walk the runway except in case of urgent need. The skier descends a slope on foot, must proceed only at the edges of it.
- Compared signage: All skiers must obey all signs of the slopes.
- In case of accident: Everyone must lend itself to the rescue in case of accident.
- Identification: Anyone who is involved in an accident or witnessing is required to give their personal details.
- Minimum passing space from the edge of the track: The skier must always leave a space on the track enough to facilitate its passing.
- Trajectories: You have to pay attention to the trajectories of the skiers into consideration the type of ski used.