Seasonal Courses

Seasonal Courses

For children aged 4 to 13 who want to ski consistently with the same instructor, placed in a group of a maximum of 12 participants.

Seasonal Courses

Course of approximately 140 hours of lessons in a group followed throughout the season by the same ski instructor! Throughout the ski season, various activities will be organized in addition to the classic teaching of ski technique: trips along the area, half days in the poles, torchlight processions at night, speed tests with the Origone Brothers and the long-awaited end-of-course race.

Seasonal Courses PLUS

Designed for those looking for something extra to make the leap in quality!

Course of approximately 105 hours of lessons in a group followed throughout the season by the same teacher! Set on the three pillars Free Field – Race – Freeride, the course has the technical objective of refining the skiers’ technique to make them masters of Total Skiing.

Seasonal Courses Freeride

Freeride, Ski Mountaineering and New School will no longer have secrets for you!

We organize seasonal courses based on this particular area of alpine skiing to get to know all the faces, even the wildest and most natural, of this splendid sport.

The complete course program for the 2024/2025 season will soon be available!

Ski Mountaineering for Adults

The Champoluc Ski School organizes an introductory course to ski mountaineering for adults: from technique to safety regulations, we will teach you everything necessary to experience this wonderful discipline. The course will be conducted by ski instructors and will focus on teaching off-piste skiing with ascents using climbing skins.

The activity will not involve difficulties requiring the use of ropes, ice axes, and crampons. Personal equipment is recommended (backpack, ARTVA, shovel, and probe); for those without it, the school will provide it free of charge.

Champoluc Ski Team

Aosta Valley Card

In addition to the numerous agreements offered, your Aosta Valley Card Special Edition Seasonal Courses will insure you with the Multisport – GBC Mountain Policy.

The only insurance valid for all sports worldwide. Multisport is the insurance that protects yourself and also protects you for any damage to others during the practice of any sport.

Find out more

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